
Healthy plants produce healthy food for you.
Healthy plants produce better tasting fruits and vegetables, and prettier, more fragrant, flowers.
Healthy plants are more insect and disease-resistant.
Healthy soil produces healthy plants.
More microorganisms means healthy soil.
More microorganisms means more food for your plants, whenever the plants get hungry.

The roots of plants cannot absorb the nutrients of organic waste or compost until they have been broken down into inorganic soluble chemical salts, by microorganisms.

Our worm farms are really Microorganism Farms!

The digestive system of a composting worm, such as Eisenia fetida, is filled with microorganisms. As a worm travels through its environment, it scoops up organic material that feeds the microorganisms. The microorganisms multiply inside the worms and when the worm excretes its waste in the form of castings there are as many as eight to twenty times as many microorganisms as it took in through its mouth.

These living microorganisms continue to break down the organic materials around them for many years and continue to reproduce.  Plant roots will take in only as much as the plant needs at the moment. By having good soil, rich with organic material and living microorganisms, whenever the plant needs more food the microorganisms can provide the nutrients it needs. For example, you could spray your crops with ammonia to get nitrogen, but when living microorganisms take in air they are taking in mostly nitrogen, and they do this for years, not just once.

Chemical "nutrients" leach through the soil. That is why they need to be purchased each year and applied every year. They are very short-term and very expensive. "Fertilizers" are chemical SALTS. When you apply synthetic chemical salts to your soil you are actually destroying many living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, worms and other bugs too numerous to mention. These creatures are part of the very valuable "SOIL FOOD WEB".

Read "Teaming With Microbes" by Lowenfels and Lewis, free online. It explains how bacteria "immobilize" important nutrients and are attracted to roots in the "rhizosphere" by plant "exudates". The bacteria and fungi are eaten by protozoa and nematodes that "mineralize" the nutrients for the use of plants. These are the living organisms in "BioPreta™". The book explains clearly what we believe. A broad spectrum of organic wastes will produce a broad spectrum of beneficial microorganisms.

Vermiculture is using worms to convert organic wastes into vermicompost. Not all VermiCompostis worm castings. Some of it is fine decomposed organic material that continues to feed the microorganisms for a long time. VermiCompost provides immediate benefits to your plants and continues for as many as four or five years, and that saves you lots and lots of money!

Intensive agriculture has depleted most of the soils in the world. By adding inorganic soluble chemical salts, called chemical fertilizers, to their fields, farmers have been able to grow crops on this depleted soil without adding organic material. Gradually, the need to add more and more chemicals to grow food has increased the cost of agriculture beyond sustainable levels to feed everybody in the world, so many people die each day of malnutrition, starvation and other food-related problems. This isn’t necessary.

Ordinary compost is usually what people get when they throw their yard wastes into a pile. It adds organic material to the soil. It improves if they put it in a bin that is at least 3’x 3’. The story "The Mystery of Terra Preta del Indios" tells of people who added their organic wastes to the soil. Just like in a good compost bin, they used kitchen refuse, yard waste, manures, and other sources of soil nutrients.
There is a great YouTube presentation by the International Biochar Initiative at Cornell University: The Promise of Biochar

You can use "BioPreta™" to make a “compost tea”. VermiCompost Tea is not Chemistry. It is filled with living microorganisms that are reproducing and providing you with more microorganisms than you started with! It is BIOLOGY!
You can make a small amount of "Liquid Organic Plant Food" by adding one teaspoon of BioPreta™ to one cup of water and aerating it for a few days to activate the microorganisms.